Looking for an effective, practical 360 solution?
We found it with GSL 360! 

Grow Strong Leaders at every level of your organization. Gather feedback that identifies individual strengths, development priorities, and actionable steps.

GSL 360 is easy to use:

  • Simple report-set up and administration, with friendly and responsive tech support
  • Efficient, straightforward rater experience
  • Reports are easy to undertand, insights are practial to apply – no special training needed for coaches or feedback recipients

GSL 360 is fully customizable:

  • Use ready-to-go or expanded surveys (select from a larger list of questions)
  • Choose from versions for executive leadership, team leadership, personal leadership, or communication skills
  • Modify rating scales, rater groups, rating categories/questions, options to allow rater comments
  • Include/edit optional development tips and recommended resources
  • Add your logo to report covers, edit e-mail templates sent to raters

Contact us to learn more or schedule a product tour.

Download a sample report.
Preview the insightful easy-to-digest format for your customized content.

View sample rater e-mail and screens.
E-mail text, rating scales, topic categories/questions are all customizable!